Saturday, January 14, 2012

A very Important Message!!!

Hello Lady's today I have a very important message that needs to be acknowledged by every woman out their facing the reality of cancer and how women can say 'YES I have cancer', but I am no less beautiful than I was before my diagnosis.

I was contact by Jackie Clark she dose outreach for the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, a leading web resource for mesothelioma cancer. She wanted to wrigth an important message and share with my followers.

Better Living Through Fashion
By: Jackie Clark

When undergoing treatment for cancer, patients are often told to keep up a positive attitude. A positive attitude helps people stay on top of things during a very difficult time, but have you thought about what goes into your positive attitude? For many women, it is beauty. Whether you are the type of woman who loves to get dolled up and go to the theater or you prefer a fun and breezy type of style, beauty is something that is part of who you are. The beauty on the inside is something that shines out when you are completely yourself, and not even mesothelioma cancer or any other cancer that women face can draw away from that.
Of course, while dealing with chemotherapy or oncologists or the dreary round of maintenance visits, it can be harder to remember that. Many women think of beauty as a luxury, something that they cannot afford when things get tough; in some cases, they feel ashamed for even thinking about beauty and fashion when things get hard. Nothing could be farther from the truth; beauty can be a good way to regain control of yourself and the world you live in. It’s all about choosing the right tools.
In the first place, think about how good you feel when you put on some makeup and take the time getting ready for a fun outing. You’re concentrating on the fun that is to come and you know that you are making yourself look good. When you look good, you feel good, and its more than just choosing the perfect top to go with your eyeshadow. The truth is that you are looking at doing something that has a concrete effect on how others perceive you. This can be an intensely empowering experience, and if you are in a place where you are curious about to gain some control in your life, this is a good place to start.
Beauty, no matter what form it takes, is about caring for you. Think about how you can incorporate beauty into your routine. You may want to go with some tried and true routines that you know make you look stellar, or you might prefer to experiment, learning more and more about how you can be beautiful in different ways. Think about the fun of being a teenager and playing with makeup, or the fluttery butterfly feeling of preparing for a hot date. These feelings are still yours, so bring them into sharp relief with just a few minutes in front of your mirror.
Now is a great time to turn your beauty into a tool that helps you recover; beauty can give you the rallying point you need to get back in the game!


CottonCandyINK said...

beautiful message, thanks for sharing!

my prayers go out to all the cancer patients and their families.

Vintage Makeup said...

Amazing post Jazmin!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for sharing this. it's very touching. Beauty is about self worth and skin deep :]

Ms. Prettyful Girl said...

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Ms. Prettyful Girl said...

So glad you allowed this guest post. This really is a sweet message and will touch a lot of people :)

Hunter87 said...

@ CottonCandyINK - Thank you for your very lovely comment!

Hunter87 said...

@ Vintage Makeup - Thank you doll I give Jackie all the credit =)

Hunter87 said...

@ Elizabeth - I agree with you.

Hunter87 said...

@ Ms.PrettyfulGirl - I hope it dose BBB. I know it sure did to mine I have family members that have die of cancer so doing this was just something that I really wanted to be part of. Thank you for your lovely comment!

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